Believe it or not ...

I used to work in advertising. Mad Men style agencies. 

The best in the business weren't the most creative (although that helped). They were the ones who were experts at noticing and identifying human insights

What is that?

A Human Insight, is a little quirk you've noticed, that many people seem to share, that no-one else seems to be talking about. That little observation is a way to build instant rapport with a stranger. 

When Nike created, "Just Do It," the geniuses behind that slogan noticed that humans tend to wish for better health and bodies, but they over analyse and make plans, to the point that they don't take any action.

Making resolutions and plans gives the illusion of momentum. At a certain point, the only people who get that better body, and health, are the ones who say, "I'm just going to start."

And Just Do It was born.

Obviously you know how that went. It lit a fire in society because that is how widespread the quirk was. 

That's the power of a human insight.

What insights do you have about your best customers? Any patterns you see? If you were to walk into a room full of people, what traits would you instantly notice that would tell you a person would make an ideal client?

I hope the power of human insight comes into play in your business,

Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways I can help you grow your business:

1. Join our private Facebook Group with other entrepreneurs who are scaling their business. Click here to join

2. Schedule a one-on-one intro session with me by clicking here. Together we’ll look at what’s holding you back from marketing success and create a 3 step action plan to attract, convert and delight. Most importantly, you’re going to get clear, confident and excited about what’s possible in your business within the next 12 months. 

3. Enrol in a FREE course on the 3 Kinds of Leads that your business can tap into right now, without needing an overhaul. Click Here

4. Join my Marketing Bootcamp program. If you’d like to work with me on your marketing click here